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Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Small break

Hi all! It seems I gave myself a small break, mainly to watch another disappointing exit by England from an international tournament. We shall dwell though this isn't a sports blog after all, but suffice to say that with all the mud thats going to be thrown around in the next couple of weeks there is clearly something wrong between Fabio and the players but more importantly there is something fundemental wrong at every level of the national sport.
Now thats over with back to business. In my absence there have been mega spending cuts, talks of further cuts to things like incapacity benfits and an immigration cap. Some good, some bad, some expected and some unexpected. The worrying thing is that the immigration cap seems like a publicity stunt to please the masses and the spending cuts are far more deeper and hurtful than what was mentioned during the election campaign.
There is no question that cuts had to come, but to put up VAT at the same time is surely in basic economics counter productive. The political elite have clearly prove themselves to be out of touch with the general population. To quote the refined anarchist Oscar Wilde, 'These are men who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing'.

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Tuesday, 22 June 2010


How foolish of me, I posted a long and detailed post about the program 'V' the other day and forgot to mention the reson why I was writing it in the first place. The real reason for bringing up the program was to mention something they use in the program, 'The fifth column'. This is a phrase I haven't heard for some time, the last time I heard it was in a school history lesson when discussing the Spanish civil war. The original use for the term was to decribe a hidden or clandestine force, in the program this is the human and 'V' resistence movement.
Upon doing some research I discovered that the phrase was later adapted to mean any kind of resistence movement against the established or ruling government. More recently the 'fifth column' was described by an American author has used it to describe the 'fourth estate' or the press.
This is interesting given the general consenus here in the uk that there is no longer a free press. So is the press really on our side, some would yes, some no. The yes bridgade would argue that the press freely reports on any scandal without restraint and fill their reletive mediums with irelevent news until the next scandal presents itself. Their arguement would be bolstered by the recent expenses scandal broken by The Guardian newspaper. The no crowd would have a much more convincing and stronger arguement, the main one being the fact the news mediums here only report on one side of an arguement. The BBC, as much as I dislike them, are supposed to be the impartial, non-influenced medium of the people, but they constantly come under attack for this stance. We need only cast our mind to the furore caused by them allowing Nick Griffin on question time, I can understand the opposistion to this but by the token people should understand that this freedom has to been maintained no matter what. The moment these freedoms start to become restricted is the moment we start to shift towards fascism.

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Thursday, 17 June 2010


Recently I have been watching the American series 'V', not the old one but the new fresher remake. There is something strangely familiar about the ideas in this program. I'm not really a conspiracy theorist, but I do try and see the real truth in things. The program highlights so many different items currently being experienced by us. The struggle between the main antagonist's the 'V's and the human, this contest between civilisation's is oddly reminiscent of the struggle we are facing today. I've read on other sites about the parallels with the Obama mania as I think its called and the mania caused by the arrival of the V's and it is strangely reminiscent. The V's in the program give a constant tap drip of technology, using it to sway the masses when public opinion starts to swing against them. Again this is strangely reminiscent of our own ways, like the fact that the human genome was fully mapped years ago, but still there have been only minor benefits for us in general.
The main character of the V leader Anna seeks to subvert the human population by clever political manipulation, ring any bells! In the true spirit of conspiracy theorists everywhere, maybe they are already here!!!


Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Justice secertary Kenneth 'Harry' Clark

Just heard the news that Ken Clark has been elevated to the title of anti-corruption champion of the UK. Another fantastic move by the coalition government and another reason why I'm so cynical, to quote our Atlantic cousins 'Goddamn'.
This is a man who was at the fore front of the expenses scandal, flipping his council tax bill back to the taxpayer. He had two homes one in Rushcliffe and one in London, he left us to pay the bill on the London one. However he wasn't satisfied with that, he then stated that he spent so little time in his Rushcliffe home that he told Nottinghamshire council that his wife should be entitled to a 25% discount on council tax. Far from satisfied he claimed for a mortgage on both properties which was later discovered to be false as only his London home still had a mortgage, which we were being charged £480 per month.
Still you never know maybe this appointment is a stroke of genius. It sometimes takes a criminal to spot a criminal.


Monday, 14 June 2010


In a change in direction I have something positive to talk about today. Sharp intake of breath, now in the nose and out the mouth, slowly. The positive thing you are anticipating is in fact and I quote the independent headline 'Cameron warns Obama over criticising BP'. Upon reading this and in keeping with current world events I did a Roger Milla style dance in the corner of my living room. Why you may ask yourself am I so happy, not because its a swift turn from a 1-1 to a bit of yank bashing, I enjoy our 'special relationship' when we aren't being bullied of course. The reason for my happiness is because little Dave has finally shown the stuff leaders are made of, not worrying about what other statesmen think, just going with his gut!
You may think this is dangerous or exactly the same as Anti-tony Blair or Gorden 'D'oh' Brown, but there is something different about this something more ballsy. Perhaps I'm wrong, perhaps it is just the same, but remember when George Calloway did a similar thing to the senate in America. It was pitiful and embarrassing, somewhat similar to his bizarre kitten impression, but I am proud of Dave. In fact if he was here now I'd put him in a headlock and ruffle his hair!


Sunday, 13 June 2010

Banks once again!

As you might have guessed this post is once again about banks or more specifically bankers. The big news story of the day being the fact that the bankers have gambled 1trillion on more dodgy assets. My first migraine pang at this story is taking it on face value and lamenting that the banks have spent all our tax money bail out money on 50/50 toxic assets, what a disgrace they are, disgusting bankers and their decadent, affluent ways.
Its only when that first pang has settled into a nice throb that the real reason for being angry at this illuminates before my now half closed, light sensitive eyes. The shock and surprise at why I'm so angry in the first place. Lets be honest is this really any surprise, nothing happened to the banks and bankers the first time round. In fact they were rewarded with our money! Why would they change their ways, consider this if a dog shits on your living room floor you scold it for bad behaviour. Now what would happen if you give it a sausage, he'll be shitting every where numerous times a day.
Here's a link to the story
After that lets spare a thought for Robert Green...TWAT!


Saturday, 12 June 2010

Greatest news story of the day!

The greatest news story of the day today has to be Osama's son and his 50 year old wife are using a surrogate mother. What a fantastic story almost as worthy as mosque on ground zero. Most of the controversy coming from the fact that she accepted money in exchange for lease of her womb, the question no one is thus far asking is whether the baby will be British or a national of Dubai or Saudi Arabia. The question might seem like a easy one to answer but remember where we live, crazy Britain.

To end I will finish with 'Come on England, come on England'


Friday, 11 June 2010

State of things

Its been a while since I posted on here, but it appears as though a lot has happened since. We have a brand new dual government, Obama appears to despise all things not American and Greece and Spain have fallen into the debt vortex. Where to start is the question, the best place is probably at home.
In May a general election took place. Alongside this we had the much hyped 'debates', which if I'm honest were majorly disappointing. Gordon Brown failed to fire the audience(no surprise), David Cameron did what he does best take the middling ground and Nick Clegg made a limp and futile effort for the liberal democrats. The main thing we can take from the debates though is that all of our current politicians are useless, missing that something that makes a good leader or as its more commonly know charisma. David Cameron has now continued that trend with his pathetic 'blame the last ones here' stance. We all know how rubbish labour was, just get on with sorting it out.
I'm not sure if anyone has noticed this but Dave looks somewhat dishevelled since taking the seat he appeared born for. I have to wonder though about the economy though. Having lost my job a year ago and being unable to find one since, not even a washing up job, things don't appear to be getting better just worse. The jobs are becoming more and more desolate. I will finish this post with a quote from Gerald Celente, 'When people lose everything, they have nothing left to lose'

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