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Thursday 17 June 2010


Recently I have been watching the American series 'V', not the old one but the new fresher remake. There is something strangely familiar about the ideas in this program. I'm not really a conspiracy theorist, but I do try and see the real truth in things. The program highlights so many different items currently being experienced by us. The struggle between the main antagonist's the 'V's and the human, this contest between civilisation's is oddly reminiscent of the struggle we are facing today. I've read on other sites about the parallels with the Obama mania as I think its called and the mania caused by the arrival of the V's and it is strangely reminiscent. The V's in the program give a constant tap drip of technology, using it to sway the masses when public opinion starts to swing against them. Again this is strangely reminiscent of our own ways, like the fact that the human genome was fully mapped years ago, but still there have been only minor benefits for us in general.
The main character of the V leader Anna seeks to subvert the human population by clever political manipulation, ring any bells! In the true spirit of conspiracy theorists everywhere, maybe they are already here!!!



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