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Sunday, 13 June 2010

Banks once again!

As you might have guessed this post is once again about banks or more specifically bankers. The big news story of the day being the fact that the bankers have gambled 1trillion on more dodgy assets. My first migraine pang at this story is taking it on face value and lamenting that the banks have spent all our tax money bail out money on 50/50 toxic assets, what a disgrace they are, disgusting bankers and their decadent, affluent ways.
Its only when that first pang has settled into a nice throb that the real reason for being angry at this illuminates before my now half closed, light sensitive eyes. The shock and surprise at why I'm so angry in the first place. Lets be honest is this really any surprise, nothing happened to the banks and bankers the first time round. In fact they were rewarded with our money! Why would they change their ways, consider this if a dog shits on your living room floor you scold it for bad behaviour. Now what would happen if you give it a sausage, he'll be shitting every where numerous times a day.
Here's a link to the story
After that lets spare a thought for Robert Green...TWAT!



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